Configuration of jws

What to configure

You can configure jws via some environment variables:

If you're desperate, you can also configure some things directly in the source, notably in src/strings.c and gamma and colors in src/fontcache.c.

Format of the JWS_KEYMAP file

Empty lines and lines beginning with a tab are treated as comments and ignored. Every other line defines the mapping of one key.

The line begins with the Keysym of the key as defined with xmodmap. You can specify any Keysym, no matter whether it's only reachable with a modifier. Alternatively you can give a Keycode directly with "=xx" as a hex number. The rest of the line consists of zero or more definitions for the actions generated by the key if used with modifiers. Each single definition is preceded by a tab.

A definition entry consists of an optional list of modifiers, a "!" marking the key/modifier pair as to be grabbed by jws, or another list of modifiers preceded by a "?" marking those modifiers as to be ignored, a "=" and an action.

Valid modifiers are "s" (shift), "l" (lock), "c" (control), "m" (meta), "a" (alt), and "1" - "5" (mod1 - mod5).

Valid actions are "\!w01" - "\!w32" for switching to an existing window, "\!s01" - "\!s32" for swapping the current window to a new position, "\!lock" for starting the JWS_LOCK client, "\!x11" for switching to the X screen, "\!restart" for restarting jws, "\!exit" for exiting jws (after a confirmation requested by the JWS_REQ client), "\!launch" for starting a new JWS_TERM client, "\!compose" for introducing a key compose sequence, and one or more characters separated by ",".

Characters can be specified by writing them verbatim (allowed for "!" - "~" except "\"), or as "\^A" - "\^_" for control characters (lowercase is also allowed), or as "\\" for "\", or as a two character hex number (lowercase or uppercase) preceded by "\".

Format of the JFONT_CF file

Each entry consists of 10 numbers (and any non-number is interpreted as end of file).

The first two numbers determine the original size of the font, the second two determine the scaled down size of the font, the rest are two pairs of three determining the scaling parameters in the x and y directions.

The file is scanned line by line for an entry that matches the actual original size of the font and the desired new width (that is the width of the jws window divided by 80 and the number of windows and rounded down). If no entry matches, an entry of the form "old_w old_h new_w new_h 0 new_w old_w 0 new_w old_w" with an appropriately scaled new height is assumed.

The scaling parameter triple consists of an offset and scaling factor enumerator and denominator. The pixels are shifted down respectively to the right by offset/denominator and scaled by enumerator/denominator.


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Page created: Aug 31, 1996 - last update: Sep 23, 2000 - version 4.4
Jörg Czeranski