Papers and other publications

Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery (Journal)

A Product Line Asset Management Tool

Softwarevisualisierungstool Gravis

Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery (Proceedings)

Analyzing xfig Using the Bauhaus Tool

Data Exchange in Bauhaus

Exchange Format Bibliography

The API Perspective of Exchange Formats

Wiedergewinnung von Architekturinformationen: Ausblicke

Adaptive Sortierverfahren

Einsatz kryptographischer Methoden zur Authentisierung

Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Unix (am Beispiel des Spiels iMaze)

Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery

Rainer Koschke, Gerardo Canfora, Jörg Czeranski

Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 60, No. 2 (2006)


Component recovery supports program understanding, architecture recovery, and re-use. Among the best known techniques for detection of re-usable objects (related global variables and their accessor functions) is Delta-IC (the improvement in internal connectivity). This paper re-visits the original approach and extends it in different ways. It describes a variant of Delta-IC suitable for reverse engineering that omits the slicing step of the original approach. The underlying metric of Delta-IC is extended toward types integrating ideas of the Internal Access technique such that abstract data types can also be detected. Furthermore, the connectivity metric of Delta-IC is combined with a cohesion metric based on vertex connectivity. The new metrics and the new algorithm for reverse engineering are evaluated and compared to other techniques quantitatively. The new contributions of this paper over the conference paper are the analysis of the relation of the connectivity threshold and recall and precision, additional experiments in varying the ICVC (internal connectivity vertex connectivity) factor, and a detailed comparison of the complementarity of the various techniques.

A Product Line Asset Management Tool

Stefan Bellon, Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth, Daniel Simon

Workshop on Software Variability Management, 2004


When developing a software product line, software engineers are confronted with the task of configuration and revision management for the product line as a whole. Furthermore, both on domain and product level explicit variation management has to be provided for. While there are partial solutions to these tasks, there is no integrated support for the product line developers.
In this paper we present a tool for the integrated management of software assets for software product line development. We address the problems of configuration and revision management, explicit variation point handling, and the differences in domain and product development. In our approach, the available solutions to specific tasks are integrated to provide a new solution.


A Product Line Asset Management Tool (PDF)

Softwarevisualisierungstool Gravis

(Extended abstract for a demonstration)

Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth, Daniel Simon

Workshop Software-Reengineering, 2002


Softwarevisualisierungstool Gravis (PDF)

Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery

Gerardo Canfora, Jörg Czeranski, Rainer Koschke

Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2000


Component recovery supports program understanding, architecture recovery, and re-use. Among the best known techniques for detection of re-usable objects (related global variables and their accessor functions) is Delta-IC. This paper re-visits the original approach and extends it in different ways. It describes a variant of Delta-IC suitable for reverse engineering that omits the slicing step of the original approach. The underlying metric of Delta-IC is extended toward types integrating ideas of the Internal Access technique such that abstract data types can also be detected. Furthermore, the connectivity metric of Delta-IC is combined with a cohesion metric based on vertex connectivity. The new metrics and the new algorithm for reverse engineering are quantitatively evaluated using the framework proposed in A Framework for Experimental Evaluation of Clustering Techniques as a standard evaluation of clustering techniques for component recovery.


Revisiting the Delta IC Approach to Component Recovery (PDF)

Analyzing xfig Using the Bauhaus Tool

Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth, Holger M. Kienle, Rainer Koschke, Daniel Simon

Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2000


We used the Bauhaus tool, which helps program understanding and architecture recovery, to analyze the xfig program. xfig's architecture was recovered and all of the (hypothetical) maintenance tasks described in the Developer Handbook were performed.


Analyzing xfig Using the Bauhaus Tool (gnuzipped Postscript)

Data Exchange in Bauhaus

Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth, Holger M. Kienle, Rainer Koschke, Erhard Plödereder, Daniel Simon, Yan Zhang, Jean-François Girard, Martin Würthner

Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2000


In the context of the Bauhaus project, reengineering environments to support program understanding of legacy code are being developed. Bauhaus defines two formats to represent information that has been extracted from source code. One of these formats, RG, is suitable as an exchange format. This paper introduces RG, describes how it is represented as an exchange format, and discusses schema conversions in RG.


Data Exchange in Bauhaus (gnuzipped Postscript)

Exchange Format Bibliography

Holger M. Kienle, Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth

Workshop on Standard Exchange Format, 2000


This paper gives a brief bibliographical overview of exchange formats and related research areas. We classify exchange formats and try to give a brief assessment of the more interesting ones.


Exchange Format Bibliography (gnuzipped Postscript)

The API Perspective of Exchange Formats

Holger M. Kienle, Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth

Workshop on Standard Exchange Format, 2000


The discussion about a universal exchange format mainly centers around syntax and semantic issues. This paper focuses on the requirements for the API that sits on top of an exchange format.


The API Perspective of Exchange Formats (gnuzipped Postscript)

Wiedergewinnung von Architekturinformationen: Ausblicke

Jörg Czeranski, Thomas Eisenbarth, Holger M. Kienle, Rainer Koschke, Daniel Simon

Workshop Software-Reengineering, 2000


Wiedergewinnen von Informationen über die Architektur einer Software ist eine Voraussetzung für viele Tätigkeiten des Reverse-Engineerings. Ein Aspekt der Software-Architektur ist die Aufteilung eines Softwareartefaktes in Komponenten, Konnektoren und Protokolle. Techniken zur halbautomatischen Komponentenerkennung sind inzwischen in vielfältigen Variationen verfügbar. Ziel des Bauhaus-Projektes ist es, eine Software-Architektur aus dem Quelltext eines Softwareartefaktes halbautomatisch abzuleiten. Die nächsten Ziele des Bauhaus-Projektes umfassen unter anderem die Erkennung von Traces und Konnektoren, die Klassifikation von Teilen einer Komponente, sowie die Unterstützung von Software-Prüfungen durch Datenflussanalysen.


Wiedergewinnung von Architekturinformationen: Ausblicke (gnuzipped Postscript)

Adaptive Sortierverfahren

Jörg Czeranski

Diplomarbeit an der TU Clausthal 1998


Adaptive Sortierverfahren (gnuzipped Postscript)

Einsatz kryptographischer Methoden zur Authentisierung

Jörg Czeranski

Zweiter DFN-CERT Workshop, 1995


Client-Server-Architekturen erfordern sichere Mechanismen zur Authentisierung. Es wird ein Überblick über bei Unix-Systemen verbreitete Verfahren gegeben und auf ihre Unzulänglichkeit eingegangen. Als Ergänzung und Alternative wird ein kryptographisches Verfahren, Secure RPC, vorgestellt und die Schlüsselverwaltung dieses Verfahrens detailliert erläutert.


Client server architectures require secure mechanisms for authentication. An overview is given over schemes commonly used in Unix systems and their insufficiency is shown. A cryptographic scheme, Secure RPC, is introduced as addition and alternative, and the key management of this scheme is explained in detail.


Einsatz kryptographischer Methoden zur Authentisierung (gnuzipped Postscript)

Einsatz kryptographischer Methoden zur Authentisierung (gnuzipped DVI)

Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Unix (am Beispiel des Spiels iMaze)

Jörg Czeranski, Hans-Ulrich Kiel

Softwarepraktikum an der TU Clausthal 1993/1994


Ziel des Softwarepraktikums "Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Unix" war es, ein auf dem Atari ST verbreitetes Computerspiel unter Unix mit X11-Oberfläche neu zu entwickeln und dabei ein Netzwerkprotokoll auf Basis von TCP/IP zu realisieren, das den besonderen Anforderungen eines Spiels gerecht wird.


Netzwerkprogrammierung unter Unix (gnuzipped Postscript)

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Page created: Jul 21, 1997 - last update: Oct 15, 2007 - version 3.7
Jörg Czeranski (Impressum)